Success As You Create
God is the boundless, limitless Creator.
We are his sons and daughters, invited to co-create with him. God is the boundless, limitless Creator.
We are his sons and daughters, invited to co-create with him.
Make Something Beautiful
God is the boundless, limitless Creator.
We are his sons and daughters, invited to co-create with him. God is the boundless, limitless Creator.
We are his sons and daughters, invited to co-create with him.
Realm of Influence
God is the boundless, limitless Creator.
We are his sons and daughters, invited to co-create with him.
Choose Your Weapon
Imagine your creativity as a sword created with God’s light. This weapon is our presence and our art fused together with God. When wielded properly, it pierces the darkness. It overcomes fear with love. It causes chaos to crumble.
Echo in Eternity
Light is the first thing God created on day one of creation. There was no sun. Just his light. And it was good. But his light isn’t limited to the creation of this world.
Creation, Not Comfort
Giving birth to a new idea—especially one that counters the chaos in this world—is beautiful, messy, and costly.
What we’re after is the truest creation, not the most comfort. It Is to relinquish all illusion of control to God….and allow him to lead.
Order Over Chaos
There was an order to Creation. Specific things created in a specific order that mattered.
That shouldn’t surprise us, for God is a God of order.
Your Unique Signature
The last few readings have focused on how to create in trueness (Create It True, Imagine That).
God’s trueness is an essential aspect of everything he creates. Creation is good and true only because God is a good and true Creator.
Imagine That!
Imagination is one of the greatest gifts God infused within us.
Imagination gives us eyes to see what hasn’t been yet. And it is through our imagination that we can then usher in the new and not yet.
Create It True
Your creativity can take a million different forms.
But if it reflects the Creator, it will be true. Because God is true.
There is great freedom in pursuing your creativity in this manner, because it shifts the focus from man-made rules to creating like the Creator.
Choose Your Fuel
Each day, we awake empty and fill ourselves anew. The choice is yours—to be filled with God or become more full of yourself.
What we choose for fuel matters.
Has Your Gifting Been Stolen
Let’s begin with an observation: the more chaotic life becomes, the less creative we are. At least until we understand what’s really going on and take action.
It seems like our gifting is being stolen from us . . . because it is.
Spirit-Filled Creativity
The Spirit gives us the ability to keep chaos out of our hearts while filling it instead with the fruit of the Spirit.
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22–23 NLT)
The Heart of Your Art
No great art was ever created without great heart.
No great life was ever lived without great heart. Perhaps that’s why God tells us the heart is central to all we are and do.
More Than a Muffin Mix
The void is empty of ideas. That’s why when we’re there, we tend to rely on formula to see us through. There are no higher thoughts from God. So we look to what we’ve done before, hoping it will somehow work again.
The void lures us to formula. Detached from the Vine, we feel like it’s the only way to get things done. Creation is about bringing something new into existence. Formula is about re-creating what has been through a repetitive series of steps. It seeks to gain similar results by duplicating what’s worked in the past. That’s great for a muffin mix. Not for your art.
The Vine & the Void
It is good to explore whether we are attached to the Vine or the void.
Jesus says:
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:4–7 NIV)
The Dance of Creation
Imagine a father-daughter dance where the dad invites his daughter but then, once at the dance, he stands off to the side. He isn’t there to dance but to evaluate how she dances. That would be tragic. The whole point is to dance together.
Co-Creation or Sub-Creation
When we choose to create with God, our art and our hearts come alive.
Yet how we enter into this creative process with God makes a difference. Do we see ourselves co-creating with God on the playground of ideas—or God up above us somewhere waiting to see what we come up with down here?
Light the Dark
Before we can even consider changing the chaos around us, God must first transform the chaos within us.
Our creativity can’t be transformed until we are.
Who we are comes before what we do. Right being is what determines the right doing. Never the opposite. Which is why our presence is more powerful than our gifting. We can do what we do only because of who we are. This is why chaos tries to make us forget who we are . . . and to become more like it.
What Moses Most Wants
When Moses was tasked with leading the people out of the desert, he made this bold statement to God:
Moses said, “If your presence doesn’t take the lead here, call this trip off right now. How else will it be known that you’re with me in this, with me and your people? Are you traveling with us or not?” (Exodus 33:15–16 MSG).
More than reaching a destination, Moses sought God’s presence. In fact, he was willing to call the entire trip off if God’s presence wasn’t part of it.
When was the last time you said those words to God about a project you were working on?