Make Something Beautiful

Often those pursuing their creativity with God come to a moment where they feel pressure to do something so incredible it causes the world to pause in its rotation.

This isn’t helpful. It’s paralyzing.

So what do we do when we aren’t sure what’s next? In other words, what is the best next step? 

Often, the answer is breathtakingly simple.

Make something beautiful.

What might this look like? When chaos tries to enter into your home through an explosive argument or bad financial or medical news, you don’t let fear in your heart. And you pour out what is within you. You release the fruit of the Spirit into the atmosphere. Suddenly the room is filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22– 23). The very atmosphere is permeated with something eternal. And chaos blinks. It falters. It fades. 

You write a novel. You paint the ocean. You give birth to an opera or a flower shop or a daycare center. And the atmosphere changes for good. Hope is reborn. Beauty is revealed. Love is made real. Hearts are reawakened. Light overcomes the darkness. 

What part of the atmosphere were you born to change? Don’t let that question fill you with pressure. Let it instead fill you with more of God’s presence. After all, he’s the one who knit that desire in you. He’s not expecting you to do it all in your strength. Not at all. 

It’s an invitation that involves your presence and your gifting—but is only possible when you step into it with God. When you do, beauty always follows.


Success As You Create


Realm of Influence