Echo in Eternity

Light is the first thing God created on day one of creation. There was no sun. Just his light. And it was good. But his light isn’t limited to the creation of this world. 

God clothes himself in light:

The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment. (Psalm 104:2 NIV) 

And in Revelation, the last book of the Bible, we are reminded again that our true source of light comes from God, not the sun. 

There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. (Revelation 22:5 NIV) 

We are invited to join God and be part of his plan for lighting this dark world. 

Creativity without God’s presence or worldview is ultimately empty and void. If that sounds like an exaggeration, ask yourself how can anything be truly good or filled with light apart from God.

Yet when we pursue our creativity with God and our imagination is filled by God, our art contains an eternal spark. Don’t picture the spark as the small sparklers kids are given on New Year’s Eve. Those sputter and flicker and quickly burn themselves out. That has no resemblance to the brilliance of the eternal spark we’re after. Imagine the grand finale of a fireworks show, where they unleash the biggest and best, showering the sky with an explosion fire and color. That’s what God offers us. A way to spark the dark with dazzling light of beauty, hope, and love that doesn’t just light the world now—but will echo in eternity.

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Creation, Not Comfort