“We change the atmosphere when we bring something new into existence through our presence and gifting. This is true creativity.” — ALLEN ARNOLD
The Clash Between the Real and the Artificial is Intensifying…
and You Are the Prize.
Every aspect of life is being invaded by the artificial. But we miss what's at stake when we assume it's inevitable, natural, or even neutral. It actually began in Eden when the serpent offered Adam and Eve a counterfeit reality based on the Tree of Knowledge and the promise to become like gods.
These ancient roots entangle us in more ways than we realize. We seek to redefine reality in our image. We look to the unreal to make us more real. Nothing fazes or amazes us anymore. We stumble through life in a Partificial Daze—partially present and fully disoriented by an artificial haze of anxiety, exhaustion, and addiction.
What's needed is a reality reorientation:
Real isn't how we feel. It's aligning with God's design for reality...and us.
Artificial isn't just AI or fake things. It's any lie that lures us from God.
Risk the Real reveals how everyone has a North Star, everything has roots, and no one can remain neutral in the clash of competing realities. This is a bold manifesto to wake from our slumber, pursue the real, defy the artificial, and risk well for what matters most.
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff,
he who is running in the opposite direction
appears to have lost his mind.”
C. S. Lewis
The world is accelerating in the wrong direction. It feels like all we’re doing is trying to fix what’s broken. And it isn’t working. We’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and losing heart.
Where is God in all this? Well, he’s living a different story. A story he’s inviting us into.
Story 1 is the original, true story we were made for. A way of life that revolves around God where we are fully seen, known, and loved. Story 2 is the counterfeit narrative we’re born into. A way of life that revolves around us. We make ourselves the hero of the story; then wonder why God seems distant.
The Eden Option is a beacon that calls us back to God-reality. It reveals his original design for our lives, how we lost it, and why it matters more than we imagine.
But we can return to Story 1. When we do, we reclaim four traits that Adam and Eve relinquished:
Eden Union. Eden Voice. Eden Vision. Eden Rest.
All are needed for such a time as this. Discover the choice that leads a new way to live, speak, see, and rest in this restless world.
It’s a Homeward Journey that leads not to the Eden of the past…but to the New Eden that awaits.
Most of us are stuck in a story of without.
We go through the day without much much hope, without dreams being realized, without deep friendships, and without experiencing the active presence of God. We're told to run faster, do more, chase success. But we know deep down that isn't the answer.
There is a better way to live, love, and create.
The Story of With is your roadmap for understanding your story (it's far more mythic than you might think) and dreaming bigger dreams. It's a fantastical allegory fused with practical application that offers fresh perspective, restored hope, and a rebirth of creativity. It's a journey into greater freedom, bigger dreams, and truer success.
“This is an excellent book. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. In fact it was so good, I bought copies for other people, and they in turn, once they read it, bought copies for others as well. A beautiful and inspiring read.” ~Jason Kelly (Amazon review)
Audio Book Sample
Chaos Can’t Ultimately Win. But With God…You Can.
The hopeful yet defiant message of Chaos Can’t is that it's possible to remain unshaken in this world of chaos.
But you won’t find the answers on the nightly news or social media. They report chaos, stir fear, and take sides…but have no clue for a cure. Because they’re looking in the wrong places.
This quest offers a refreshingly different approach. Rather than focus on current events, we’ll take a mythic yet practical journey that starts before time began. To experience God as Creator. To expose an ancient enemy who uses chaos as a weapon. And to understand why our dreams, hopes, and hearts are under attack.
Through this book, you will discover:
why chaos hits in such personal ways;
how to not let the swirling outside chaos…within;
the possible origin of chaos;
how to counter fear with love;
why your creativity matters more than you imagine; and
11 ways to restore your dreams and renew your surroundings.
“I love how Allen Arnold simplifies the truths into digestible nuggets and practical applications. A must read for every person--whether they think they're creative or not.” ~Kandi J Wyatt
Creating New Things With God
Starts With Seeing Yourself
and Your Art in New Ways
The Creator of galaxies, oceans, wildflowers, and stallions made you creative. He gave you an imagination. Eyes to see what has never been. A voice to speak things into existence.
The reason why is astonishing. It’s not so you’ll get busy doing things for God. But so you’ll pursue the very things you love with God.
Allen Arnold—noted creativity author, coach, and speaker—has helped thousands with his teachings on co-creating with God. This book brings together his central insights on topics such as Imagination, Opposition, Questions, Wonder, and Expectancy. Each page features original quotes or timeless Scripture that, like waves, will wash over you, refresh you, and stir you to greater creativity.
Your art wants to grow deeper, wilder, truer. It’s just waiting for you to go first. It is a journey best taken one thought at a time. The goal isn’t to get somewhere fast. But to become more fully you along the way.
“Other books I've read have a lot to do with the head and the habits of artists. Allen's book is about helping & inspiring the heart of artists. It reads like a devotional you could pick up every day for creative inspiration for your heart. I love how the book is laid out. You literally can go to any page and receive quick inspiration, wisdom, and counsel.” ~Troy Mangum (Amazon review)
Here is an unforgettable yet simple story that celebrates the special bond between dog lovers and their life-long friends.
What does your dog most long to hear from you...and what do you wish you could ask them?
This wintry tale is filled with hand-drawn illustrations designed to warm your heart and reveal what matters most. Ideal for children or adults, this is a story you'll return to time and again—whether for joy or comfort.
The book isn't available for purchase...but is offered here at no cost because of the financial support from folks like you. To fuel the free content on this site (like this story), you can make a non tax deductible donation today HERE.