The Dance of Creation

Imagine a father-daughter dance where the dad invites his daughter but then, once at the dance, he stands off to the side. He isn’t there to dance but to evaluate how she dances. That would be tragic. The whole point is to dance together.

The magic happens when the young girl puts her feet on top of her father’s shoes and he leads. He savors the interaction, the playfulness, the joy. But what if, as the song ends, the young girl rushes back to her friends and says, “Did you see me dancing? Wasn’t it amazing?” And the father interrupts, “It wasn’t your dance. I drove us here. I bought your dress. I led us every moment of the dance. Never forget, I’m the alpha here.”

Do you see how toxic that view is?

Compare that to the shared experience of a good father and daughter dancing together. Yes, the dad set things in motion. He’s in charge. Yet in his authority, he invites her to join him. And from that moment forward, it is a shared experience.

God does the same with us. He invites us to enter into our gifting actively and intimately with him. He’s not up there. He’s right here, with us.

We ask God for a plan—because information is our goal.
God invites us into a dance—because intimacy is his goal.

When we keep God at a distance because we feel that is more reverent or respectful, we miss the dance of creation. As a good friend of mine says, “God is the least religious person I know.” God invites us into relationship, not religion. Relationship is intimate, not distant. God created us to do life together with him. He would love to co-create with you.

The music is starting. God is waiting for you on the dance floor. Will you join him? 

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Co-Creation or Sub-Creation