Choose Your Fuel

Each day, we awake empty and fill ourselves anew. The choice is yours—to be filled with God or become more full of yourself. 

What we choose for fuel matters. 

If you’re taking a cross-country road trip you wouldn’t fill your gas tank with molasses. It’s an even worse idea to fill your mind and your heart with the wrong things. We need to be intentional about everything we let in. 

Yet where we usually let our guard down is with entertainment. We decide to see a new movie based on who’s in it or who directed it, then tolerate whatever comes next. We sing a song filled with things we’d never do or say because we love the catchy beat. We open our minds, allow the toxins in, and then wonder why we have less hunger for God and more for the junk food of this world. 

Without the Creator, any creative work falls exponentially short of what it could have been. There is no eternal spark because it was done without God. 

If you want to co-create with God, you have to choose the kind of creations that God wants to be involved in. If you don’t, you’re on your own. As Jesus says, without me you can do nothing (John 15:5). 

What you fill yourself with matters immensely. What you consume influences what you create: 

You’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. (Philippians 4:8 MSG) 

There are two ways to fill your mind. One leads to life and light. One leads to darkness and death. 

What are you to do with the nothingness and emptiness around you? Fill it with beauty, hope, and light. But the process doesn’t start there. It begins with what you fill yourself with.

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Create It True


Has Your Gifting Been Stolen