Success As You Create

How will you define success for your creative pursuits?

Though the world offers us all kinds of ways to measure success, true success is never best measured by external metrics.

Only God can truly see us and know us. He understands all that we’ve had to battle through just to get to this point. As our Father, he has known us not as the world sees us, but as he saw us before time began.

In a noisy world where everyone has an opinion about everything, it is only his interpretation and validation that ultimately matters.

And with God, we are always fully known…and fully loved. It’s the kind of love that isn’t earned project by project, but simply for who we are. Only in him do we find our deepest meaning.

True success occurs when we pursue our dreams, projects and people in our realm of influence with God. 

When we step into this reality, we experience success as we create rather than hoping to achieve it after the fact, based on the response of others. This is a huge shift from how almost everyone operates. It allows you to create from a place of success rather than from an empty place that you hope to have filled by the reaction of others once they see your finished work. See the difference? 

So take the pressure off yourself and your creativity to always come through. Your art was never meant to bear that burden. Your performance cannot tell you who you are. Only God can do that. And he does so through your life first. As I’ve long said, you can’t tell a better story than the one you’re living. And your creativity can’t transcend your life with the Creator. 

Rather than chase success, chase big ideas with God. 

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can't today!


Eyes on God


Make Something Beautiful