Your Unique Signature

The last few readings have focused on how to create in trueness (Create It True, Imagine That). 

God’s trueness is an essential aspect of everything he creates. Creation is good and true only because God is a good and true Creator.

An essential way to keep your creativity true is to keep your eyes on the Creator. Yet we stumble when we shift our gaze and goal to other creatives in an effort to mimic their art.

Stay true to who God made you to be rather than make your art or voice or stories more like what already exists. 

Don’t try to be like ______________ (fill in the blank). We already have that person’s flavor, color, voice, look. It was original when it was first created, not when it’s repeated. 

Your art will look different from everyone else’s art. And that’s as it should be. God created mountains, sea otters, oceans, and oak trees. None remotely the same. All unique and all essential to creation. Bring your original ideas to the world. That’s what we don’t have yet. That’s what we need. 

Let your art blaze with God’s trueness and your unique signature. Then invite us there. 

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