Free Your Creativity
An essential aspect of creativity is your ability to think independently. To see an issue without first being told how to see it. To ask any question. To imagine what could be. And then to go where God leads without worrying whether it matches some predefined script or party line.
Choose the Real
The world continues to grow more digital by the day. Our photos are stored on our phone. Our music and movie collection is vast…and all in a cloud somewhere. Homes rarely feature built-in bookcases anymore, because e-books don’t need shelves.
Search and Rescue
Some days you need more than general encouragement. You need a specific words to address a specific issue.
Doubt Isn’t Helpful
Somehow, we’ve come to see doubt as noble. For many believers, admitting doubts about aspects of God or scripture isn’t something to be avoided but actually viewed as being real or “authentic.”
Count on Opposition
If your creativity feels opposed, you’re in good company. The enemy has opposed God’s role as Creator and his creation since the beginning of time.
The Right Guide
As a boy, I loved to go fishing with my dad. Back then, fishing wasn’t fancy. All you needed was a pole and a worm. I remember hearing about the beauty and art of fly fishing, but without a mentor or the right equipment, it felt out of reach. For someone else.
Masking Your Emptiness
The more accelerated your life get, the more tempting it becomes to measure who you are by what you do. But that’s a trap.
Create and Release
The earlier stages of Curiosity and Creation have led to your project being born. But…now what?
Dazzled by God
We’re going to look at the Three Stages of Creativity for the next three readings. If you’ve ever felt stuck or lost in the creative process, I think you’ll find this helpful.
Your Story’s Just Begun
I love sharing new creative discoveries with you. Especially when they reveal aspects of the Creator or Creation in new ways.
The Folly of Relevancy
Being wise and being relevant aren’t the same.
Our world has convinced us nothing is more important than staying relevant. We fear being called irrelevant or finding ourselves on the wrong side of whatever issue the entertainment and political elites decide is the issue of the day.
First, Be Curious
Before you create, be curious.
Before doing the work, spend time being in wonder.
Music Without Words
We all have our favorite songs. Individually, they reveal a specific aspect of who we are…or long to be. Together, they make up the soundtrack of our lives.
When Are You an Artist?
Are you an artist when you pick up a brush and start painting, sell your first work, or once your art's in a gallery?
Is a writer an author only when their book is published?
First Step to Freedom
Perhaps you’ve heard the parable of the Elephant and the Rope. While the author is unknown, the story’s spread around the world.
Stuck in Permanent Survival Mode
In busy times, it’s easy to get stuck in permanent survival mode.
It’s not hard to see why. The world’s treadmill has sped up and is only getting faster. And so you’ve had to speed up as well. More to do in less time. With no time to fill your tank with things that restore your soul or simply provide rest.