Stuck in Permanent Survival Mode

In busy times, it’s easy to get stuck in permanent survival mode. 

It's not hard to see why. The world's treadmill has sped up. So you do more, faster. With no time to fill your tank or restore your soul.

You’re too busy to refuel. So you get used to running on empty. The goal becomes just to survive another day to do it all over again tomorrow. 

Over time, your creativity falls by the wayside. Perhaps not completely. But at best, it receives crumbs. It’s okay, you tell yourself. It isn’t essential. And really, no big deal. You’ll get back to it when things are less busy. 

But if I may ask, what affect has placing your creativity on indefinite hiatus had on your heart and soul?  

The less time you spend on what makes you come alive makes you feel less alive. Less…you.  

Though it might not seem true in your weariness, who God created you to be matters immensely. Your creativity has far more power than you imagine…when you pursue it with God. 

So dive back into it. No matter how chaotic this moment in time is, you were born for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). To create in such a time as this.  

Whoever's running the world's treadmill will continue to accelerate it. Demanding we go faster. But my soul refuses to go along anymore. The world can spin itself into a frenzy. But I'm getting off that broken ride. From now on, I’m going at the pace my soul was created for. 

In the eye of the storm, I will choose restoration. 

In the madness of the moment, I will choose to be present to those who matter most. 

In the chaos, I will choose to stay creative.  

Will you join me?

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


Road Trip with God


Begin With Intimacy