Choose the Real

The world continues to grow more digital by the day. Our photos are stored on our phone. Our music and movie collection is vast…and all in a cloud somewhere. Homes rarely feature built-in bookcases anymore, because e-books don’t need shelves. 

It’s all so efficient. And artificial. It’s a move to the less real. 

And it comes with strings. A major online music provider just announced that it was adding millions of songs. But in the process, they’re also adding songs of their choosing to our shuffle playlist. Which means it isn’t fully our playlist. As with any digital corporation, it’s their system that can be turned off or modified at any time. Our use is tracked and monetized. Because, as it turns out, the offering was never the ultimate product. We are. 

So in defiance of this trend, I did something that’s creating great joy. 

I bought a record player. That plays vinyl. It’s old school, big time. It even has a cassette and CD player. I’m re-listening to all my high-school and college albums for the first time since high-school and college. And buying new ones. The album covers are works of art that add to my enjoyment. 

Are there drawbacks to physical over digital? Sure. I can’t bring my record player on flights. Or to a workout. The records will get scratched. The music costs more, at least in the short term. But scratches are okay. So are inconveniences. It’s all part of my joyful return to the imperfect tangible.  

In this age of screens, apps, and immediate gratification, this path requires fierce intentionality. Even so, find more ways to choose the real.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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