Count on Opposition

If your creativity feels opposed, you’re in good company. The enemy has opposed God’s role as Creator and his creation since the beginning of time.  

This explains a lot about the opposition you face every time you start a project.  

What you are creating with the Creator will be opposed. Count on it. The enemy hates anything that reflects the glory of God. As a son or daughter of God, you reflect his glory. So you will be opposed. As will the work of art that you and God are bringing to life.  

Don’t let that stir fear or make you want to give up. When the opposition comes, let it remind you that you have a role to play in the ongoing war between God’s creation and the enemy’s chaos. And take heart. Because there’s no doubt who the victor will be.  

When the Creator and chaos collide, chaos always blinks first.

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t today!


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