Create and Release

Today we conclude our journey through the Three Stages of Creativity (see Dazzled by God and The Birth of an Idea). 

The third stage is Release. 

The earlier stages of Curiosity and Creation have led to your project being born. But…now what? “Whew, it’s done” can quickly lead to a sense of restless emptiness and uncertainty. For many, the temptation is to skip this final stage and immediately start what’s next.

But that’s not how God modeled the act of creation. 

As we enter into God’s faith-rest life we cease from our own works, just as God celebrates his finished works and rests in them. (Hebrews 4:10  TPT) 

Creation has restoration built into it. God created. He made stars, oceans, light. He made time. And then he took time to enjoy all he brought to life. To celebrate it. Savor it. Rest in it. 

In this stage, you need to temporarily cease from work. Savor what’s been done before doing more. Seek rest and restoration rather than the relief of applause or the distraction of what’s next. 

You must be as intentional in releasing as you are in creating. You do so by giving your finished work to God as an offering. That releases its hold on you. You no longer own it…and it no longer owns you.  

In the end, your art isn't mostly about you. Yes, you play an essential role in its creation. But when you tie your validation to its performance or start to think you're the focus, you put a burden on your art that it was never meant to carry.  

The best way forward?  See the Three Stages of Creativity as a journey, being fully present to each part. 

Stay Curious. Create with God. Release Well.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


Masking Your Emptiness


The Birth of an Idea