The Folly of Relevancy

Being wise and being relevant aren’t the same. 

Our world has convinced us nothing is more important than staying relevant. We fear being called irrelevant or finding ourselves on the wrong side of whatever issue the entertainment and political elites decide is the issue of the day.  

Scripture warns us about this: Don’t fool yourself. Don’t think that you can be wise merely by being relevant. Be God’s fool—that’s the path to true wisdom. What the world calls smart, God calls stupid. It’s written in Scripture, He exposes the hype of the hipsters. The Master sees through the smoke screens of the know-it-alls.  (1 Corinthians 3:18-20 The Message) 

While social media is a feeding frenzy of hype and perceived relevancy, many universities and higher-learning institutions have become the “smoke screens of the know-it-alls.” Students are no longer shown how to think but told what to think on every issue. To pass the test, students must parrot an instructor's worldview rather than master the art of independent thinking. 

Yet indoctrination always decreases imagination. It eliminates free thinking to enforce group think. But remember: What the world calls smart, God calls stupid. God-given creativity requires the courage to pursue stories, songs, and art with an eternal spark. 

We have to stop allowing our minds—and our art—to be manipulated in this way. Step off the relevancy roller coaster and start pursuing true wisdom with God.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


Your Story’s Just Begun


First, Be Curious