The Birth of an Idea

We’re taking a journey through the Three Stages of Creativity. We first looked at the Curiosity stage (Dazzled by God). Now we move from the courtship of ideas to the commitment to bring a specific idea to life.

Creation is this second stage.  

While the Curiosity stage focused on your unique interests and passions, the Creativity stage shifts its focus from you to others. If you want others to engage with your creation, you must create with them in mind. You’re bringing something to life that will have a life of its own. A life that will transcend you as it goes out beyond you.  

It’s essential to remember this is not just a time of you and your canvas. It’s a holy space of co-creation between you and God. Pursuing your art with God is what gives it an eternal spark. 

You are pregnant with an idea that needs to be born. By design, it will be a beautiful, messy, joyous, costly season. Fast isn’t the goal. A fully realized idea is. The art will let you know when it’s ready to be born. At the same time, the Creation stage will have a distinct beginning and end. The goal is birth…not never-ending pregnancy.  

Along the way, you may feel the pull to dream about what’s next rather than stay in what’s now. Don’t take the bait. You’re committed. When a new idea begs for your attention, quickly jot it down in a journal and get back to the work at hand. Your full presence is required to bring this creation into existence.  

So when does the Creation stage end? With birth. Doing so is quite an accomplishment. Many start well. Few finish well. If you did, congratulations. But you’re not done yet. 

What comes next is often the hardest stage. I’ll share why in the next reading.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


Create and Release


Dazzled by God