Begin With Intimacy
Intimacy with God always comes before impact for God.
The order matters. Begin with ”with” rather than “for.”

Hidden Since Eden
Why do you create? I’m not asking what you do…but why?
The disciples of Jesus asked him a similar question.
“Why do you tell stories?”

20 Seconds of Insane Courage
In the movie We Bought a Zoo, Benjamin Mee (played by Matt Damon) gives his son this incredible piece of wisdom:
“You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery and I promise you that something great will come of it.”

Live Free. Create Free.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 NIV)

Nothing is Impossible
“Impossible” is a word we use when our view of a problem becomes more real than our view of God.
The impossible becomes possible as you invite the Creator into every aspect of your creativity.

Your Art Can’t Transcend You
You really can’t create something that offers more imagination, love, or beauty than what flows from your heart.

Find Your Rhythm
When we try to force our creativity into a predictable routine, the result is often predictable creativity.
That’s because when we, as the artist go on auto-pilot, the trip is far more likely to be predictable and forgettable to us…and to everyone who ultimately experiences it.

Times You’re Unavailable
Being overly available at all times results in being overly exhausted at all times.
God has designed your soul to need regular times of restoration.

Multi-Tasking is Mostly Absent
Multi-tasking means you're not fully present to anyone or anything.
A truer description is mostly absent.

How Ideas Come to Us
Being creative requires you to become good friends with curiosity, patience, and fortitude.
That’s because the best ideas rarely come on demand. Nor do they tend to reveal themselves to the impatient or distracted.

Never Peak
Have you noticed your most powerful art reflect themes you're currently wrestling with, discovering, or can’t quit thinking about?

Make Chaos Blink
We live in chaotic times. In the midst of the storms, it’s easy to put your creative dreams on hold and just hunker down. Wait for a more ideal time to pursue what makes you come alive.

Serve Your Art to the Hungry
You are responsible to create with the Creator and then serve it to the hungry.
To do so, it helps first if you know how to cook. And know who you’re making the meal for.

Leaders Follow
At a high school basket all tournament, I noticed a coach wearing a t-shirt that said: Always Lead. Never Follow.
Those four words tap into a popular mantra of the current culture. Everyone wants to be the captain of their ship. The sole determiner of their destiny. The center of the universe.

Joyful Creators
oy is the missing ingredient in much of our creativity. We feel pressure to create, so we get busy.
We count words. We measure sales. We chase “likes.” We hit deadlines.
We do a lot. But often not with a lot of joy.