Story 2 Baggage
The Eden Option reveals how we’re either living life in Story 1 or Story 2.
Story 1: the original, true story we were made for. A way of life with God at the epicenter.
Story 2: the default narrative we’re born into. A way of life with us at the center.
Stop Silly Putty Sameness
A creative weakness is the temptation to over-stretch our ideas…whether a too-long speech or book or the continuing to churn out endless variations of the same repetitive art.
Weapons of Light
Our stories, songs, paintings, and ideas aren’t just works of art. They are also holy weapons that help topple the world’s Babel pretense.
A.I. Church Service
Just how gullible are believers when it comes to A.I.? A contender for most oblivious is a church in Texas that recently held a service written entirely by artificial intelligence.
This May Not Be For You
I’m going to share something, knowing it may not be for you. That’s okay. Because maybe it is.
Night Song
Getting through the day is hard enough. But often the biggest doubts, fears, and questions hit us in the middle of the night.
The Ultimate Upgrade
When Jesus encounters two brothers on the shore, he makes them an incredible offer. If these fishermen will follow him, he will make them more true to who they were always meant to be.
Enough Babel Pretense
If you’re not impressed with the ways of this world, you’re in good company. Neither is God.
Messy It Will Be
Yes, today’s title sounds a bit Yoda-like. It came from advice I offered a writer friend struggling with her longing to create in a season where she has little energy, time, or focus.
The Illusion of Irrelevance
When a person, pet, or job that once filled your day with purpose and meaning is suddenly gone, there is a major void. It changes things around—and within— us.
Stop Reacting to Reactions
The best way to be proactive is to stop reacting to the reactions of others.
Self-Destructing Journal
I love capturing ideas whenever and wherever they occur—and the best container for doing so is what I call the “self-destructing” journal.
All Out of Words
We’ve all had moments where we run out of patience, ideas, time or money. But more and more, I’m running out of words.
Dear World
Dear World,
You’ve done your best these past few years to derail our God-given creativity. You sought to infuse us with fear and pit us against each other. You distracted us with busyness. You threw chaos our way, hoping we’d set our creativity aside until things calmed down, knowing that time would never come.
Creative Exhaustion
These readings regularly touch on the beauty and power of our God-given creativity. But there’s an aspect of it that deserves more attention—creative exhaustion.
Don’t Wait for Permission
When God gives us a glimpse of the impossible, we often stumble by waiting for others to give us the green light.
You Are…Where?
If your life were a movie, how would you describe this particular part of the story?
Voices in Your Head
Writers and artists often reference the voices in their heads when describing the creative process.
What’s Your Jam?
You have a way of seeing the world unlike anyone else. It reflects the unique gifting, interests, and creativity that God knit into you before you were born.