You Are…Where?

If your life were a movie, how would you describe this particular part of the story?  

It’s an important question to consider. The answer reveals how you view the season you’re in. Does it reflect a sense of deep despair or defiant joy? Are you trapped in a frenetic action sequence or a slow moving scene with little going on? 

That’s good to name. But now let’s shift from naming what is to knowing what’s possible through another question. Are you allowing external events to define your current season? If so, that doesn’t have to be the case. My book, Chaos Can’t, reveals how you always have a choice whether to let the outside chaos inside you. 

When Paul and Silas were severely beaten by an angry mob and then thrown into a dungeon, the circumstances looked dire. Yet their internal peace defied the external chaos. As they sang hymns and praised God, chaos blinked. A massive earthquake shook the prison to its foundation. The jailer, assuming the prisoners had escaped, drew his sword. But Paul and Silas interceded. “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!”  

They redefined their script—going from prisoners to the most free people in the story—by keeping their eyes on God rather than circumstances. Doing so flipped the script for the jailer as well. Rather than end his life, he and his entire household began new lives and were saved. (Acts 16:16-34) 

In the midst of their hard season, Paul and Silas were able to boldly proclaim, “We are here!” Wherever your “here” is right now, ask God to redefine your script by revealing the real story he created you for.

Want More? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


Don’t Wait for Permission


Voices in Your Head