Voices in Your Head

Writers and artists often reference the voices in their heads when describing the creative process. 

Some refer to it as “the muse” who whispers ideas into their ears. Others see it as their subconscious mind connecting the dots as they dream. And many now look to A.I. or ChatGPT as their source of inspiration. 

We’re allured by these outside voices, open to whatever will give us an edge. But here’s the problem. None of these voices actively involves the Creator or reflects his voice.

So what about the other voices? There is no muse. There are, however, voices in the spiritual realm. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit speak to us—but the enemy has a voice as well. It’s essential to know the difference.

And sure, our brains continually try to solve problems. Yet we have something far better than relying on our minds. We have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)  

And then there’s A.I. and ChatGPT. But do you really think it’s a good idea to ask the artificial to help bring life to your creativity. Really? 

Some say God works through any and all means. I say choose him over all other means. He isn’t shy and he doesn’t rely on man-made A.I. to communicate. He is our Creator. He has a voice. And he still speaks.

It’s time to silence all the other voices and focus on the only voice that matters.

Want More? Order your copy of The Story of With here.


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