Don’t Wait for Permission

When God gives us a glimpse of the impossible, we often stumble by waiting for others to give us the green light. 

We sense God’s invitation to make, build, or start something new. But we feel too old, too young, too inexperienced, or too unknown. We focus on our limitations rather than God’s strength. And we turn to others in desperation, looking for them to validate us.  

Yet true creativity is never dependent on a degree or reserved for the elite. No industry gets to define your gifting or act as the gatekeeper of creativity. God alone has that right. As Creator, he infuses us with creativity; then invites us to pursue it with him! 

Once you realize you don't need permission to create outside the lines, your canvas will grow exponentially larger. When God stirs your heart to create with him, don’t hesitate, procrastinate, or terminate the idea. Tune out the naysayers, keep your eyes on God, and pursue the impossible with him. 

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27 NIV)

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


Creative Exhaustion


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