Dear World

Dear World,  

You’ve done your best these past few years to derail our God-given creativity. You sought to infuse us with fear and pit us against each other. You distracted us with busyness. You threw chaos our way, hoping we’d set our creativity aside until things calmed down, knowing that time would never come. 

You put systems and institutions in place to disqualify or silence us because we didn’t have the right degree, last name, or platform. You said it comes down to who you know more than talent or passion. You replaced the real with the artificial so we’d look to social media metrics for our validation and A.I. for our ideas. 

Just know that will no longer work. You can try, but my soul refuses to go along.  

But you were right on one front. It really does come down to who you know. And I know the Creator of everything…including you. You may have forgotten, but I remember his original intent for creation. And for us as his sons and daughters. If you doubt a handful of believers can make a dent in the chaos, you might want to hear God’s perspective: Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. (Ephesians 3:23 TLB) 

So I've gotten off your broken ride and I’m inviting thousands of kindred spirits to join me. Our victory is assured. Because God wins. In Revelation 21:5, we’re told he is making all things new. That includes me (Isaiah 61:1), all creation (Romans 8:19), and one day, world, even you. (Isaiah 65:17) 

Until then, watch out. There are more of us than you can fathom. And, together, we’re co-creating with God to help restore what’s been lost. 



Want More? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


All Out of Words


Creative Exhaustion