Messy It Will Be

Yes, today’s title sounds a bit Yoda-like. It came from advice I offered a writer friend struggling with her longing to create in a season where she has little energy, time, or focus.   

God nudged me to share a portion of my response with you. I know your situation is unique from hers, but hope this serves as a balm for your heart. Right now. Right where you are. 

In this very moment, you're actually doing something far more important than writing your next book or creating your next work. You're living it. Through the questions you're facing, the rescues you’re praying for, the obstacles in your way. Through your fears, your doubts, your faith, and your union with God. All of these pieces—in unexpected ways—are part of the mosaic that’s taking shape. The breakthroughs and struggles are the raw ingredients for the blank canvas, the deeper DNA of every page you’ll one day write. For now, just be fully present. Live each moment with God. Then, when the time is right, write it with God. I’m cheering you on in this journey of mystery and faith. Messy it will be. Beautiful it will be. 

If these words were meant for your heart, feel free to reply to this email with a brief note.

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The Illusion of Irrelevance