So Many Opinions
The One who created you and gave you the desire to create has the only true perspective on your creativity.
What’s In Your Way?
What’s the main thing standing in the way of your creative goals? It’s important to know and name that hurdle. Yet doing so is never enough.
Good Luck With That
We regularly wish people good luck on an upcoming test or project. The question is…why?
But Are You Qualified?
Are you waiting to feel qualified before taking on the project that God has stirred in you? If so, ask yourself what’s behind the hesitation.
The Machine Stops
One of the most insightful books about the isolating effects of screens and technological overreach was written 114 years before any of our modern technology existed.
Where You Drop the Needle
I’m a big fan of vinyl albums (check out this eclectic design for Vince Guaraldi’s A Charlie Brown Christmas). And as any lover of physical records knows, it matters where you drop the needle.
Well-Crafted Crud
For decades, Christian movies, novels, and songs have been viewed as subpar to secular offerings. Sometimes the criticism is unjustified, but other times, it’s accurate from a craft perspective.
Your Relationship with Time
The way we interact with time impacts every aspect of our lives. But most view the concept of time somewhat like gravity. It’s the same for everyone. It just is what it is.
Clean Fiction Isn’t Enough
As the founding Fiction publisher at one of the world’s largest Christian publishing houses, I oversaw the release of more than 500 novels. During that decade, I noticed the growing shift among Christian publishers towards what I’d call Clean Fiction.
Creative Curveballs
Those determined to create with God will, by necessity, become good friends with mystery, wonder, risk, and faith.
Beware the Bright Shiny Object
We’re born into Story 2. It was never the story God intended for us. And though most see it as normal, it is filled with distracting bright and shiny objects that consume our attention and keep us from Story 1.
Parenting Creative Teens
Highly imaginative teens see the world differently than we do…and that’s okay.
Create It or Create If
When God invites us to create, we have a choice. We can say yes and create it with God. Or we can be conditional creators, proceeding only if perceived limits are first removed.
Summer Sabbath
Has the start of your summer been filled with days of deep joy and restoration—or packed with projects, events, and demands that leave you weary and depleted?
Popularity and Influence
Popularity and influence aren't the same thing. It’s crucial not to confuse them...because the goal is eternal influence, not fleeting popularity.
How You See Jesus
When you think of Jesus, what’s the first image that comes to mind? Is he a thirty-year old man in a robe and sandals…or the eternal creator of everything?
Birth Dates
When I think of those no longer here, I’ve always been curious why I tend to remember the day of their birth—not the day they passed on. Now I know.
Second Half of Your Year
July kicks off the second half of the year. Which makes this a particularly good time to reflect on the effect the first half of 2023 has had on your heart and walk with God.