Create It or Create If

When God invites us to create, we have a choice. We can say yes and create it with God. Or we can be conditional creators, proceeding only if perceived limits are first removed. 

Creatives become “Create-ifs” when we add conditions to the process. For instance, “Sure, I would pursue that project IF only…”

  • I had more time in the day

  • there was a guaranteed return on investment

  • someone would just believe in me

  • I was younger (or older or wiser or could do it full-time)

  • my social media following was larger 

Creatives push through all these excuses because, well, Creatives create. God made us creative. He invites us to pursue this gift with him…and without fears or conditions. 

The options couldn’t be more clear. The only question is whether we’ll create it…or create if.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


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Summer Sabbath