Stop Playing It By Ear
When we play it by ear, we’re winging it. We don’t go in with a plan but make it up as we go. It’s reactive.
Change Your Mind…Once
We live in a world where we’re expected to constantly change our minds about everything. Scripture refers to this as being double-minded (James 1:8). It is the fruit of being anchored to nothing.
Superman’s “Last” Story
One of the best Superman comics of all time was written as if it were the “last” Superman story of all time.
Independence Based in Dependence
We love our independence. It’s not something we have to be taught. We’re born with an aversion to any and all constraints.
Send Me Your Thoughts
This is my 400th consecutive daily reading. To celebrate this milestone, I invite you to help shape—and fuel—the next 400.
The Skill to See What Awaits
We’ll never arrive at what’s next if we refuse to venture from what is.
The LOST Art of Ending Well
There’s a lost art to ending things at the right time. It’s human nature to stay with something too long—especially if what we’re doing is popular or continues to work.
Solve It or Die
If you had an hour to solve a problem that your life depended on, how would you spend that time?
Wearing Down the Saints
I regularly speak to large and small gatherings about God, story, and creativity. In the last year, I’ve noticed how overwhelmed, worn out, or disheartened the majority of these creative believers are.
Too Hard on Yourself
It’s easy to be hard on ourselves when we miss the mark. But often that’s because we mistake a setback for the derailment of the entire project or goal.
Expect God’s Abundance
In The Eden Option, I share how our blind spots affect how we see life, God, ourselves, others, and our story.
Michael Jordan’s Secret
Few have mastered their area of gifting as well as Michael Jordan. So when he shares the secret to his success, it’s worth paying attention.
Tradition Isn’t Repetition
Traditions reveal what a society or culture values. But to matter, it has to be more than simply remembering or honoring the past through a momentary toast or reading or gathering.
Don’t Lose the Relationship
At its core, life with God is about relationship and love, not rules and fear. God is our Creator and Father…and we’re his sons and daughters.
Empty Graduation Speeches
I attended three graduation ceremonies last month. All of them rightly focused on celebrating the accomplishments of the students…but then veered wildly off track with the hollow speeches from each school president and valedictorian.
Burn the Boats
When past explorers discovered new lands, they often arrived by boat. The captain knew when things got hard, the crew would be tempted to sail home.
Your Three Favorite Shows
God regularly speaks to us through story. And in today’s world, that primarily happens through the movies and series we watch.
Story 1 Students
The worldview of young adults is under assault in unprecedented ways. Practically every aspect of social media, entertainment, and even education is infused with incessant indoctrination.