But Are You Qualified?

Are you waiting to feel qualified before taking on the project that God has stirred in you? If so, ask yourself what’s behind the hesitation.

Often it’s due to our upfront desire for human validation or our doubt caused by the enemy’s accusations.

“Who do you think you are to try this?” 

“You’re not an expert on this topic.” 

“Far more qualified people have already tackled this topic.”

Don’t allow these lies to derail you. True creativity isn’t dependent on a degree or reserved for a specialist. No person or organization has been appointed the gatekeeper of God-given creativity.

God infuses us with gifting and then beckons us to step into it. His invitation isn’t based on our qualifications. He doesn’t ask for our credentials upfront. Our Creator simply asks us to create with him—allowing the pain, questions, and unknowns to be our canvas. 

God qualifies those he calls. That’s the way it’s been since time began. But we must say yes to his invitation and take the leap of faith. When we do, God will show us the next step. In his perfect timing, he also provides people, provisions, and insights (Jeremiah 33:3) to help shape and sharpen our work.

Create from that space of wonder—and stop wondering if you’re qualified.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


Good Luck With That


The Machine Stops