Popularity and Influence

Popularity and influence aren't the same thing. It’s crucial not to confuse them...because the goal is eternal influence, not fleeting popularity. 

The shallow end of the pool is popular but offers nothing for those eager to experience the ocean. You aren’t in a popularity contest. You’re bringing something to life that God has stirred in your imagination. Create from that sweet spot. Doing so is the only path to guaranteed success. Because it’s based on what you do with God. Not what others say, social media likes, online reviews, or even sales. 

Fewer followers doesn't mean less influence...as long as you take them deeper.

P.S. – So many of you have responded to my post Tell Me What You Think. If you haven’t—you can now here. A frequent question is if there’s a way to make a financial donation to keep these readings going other than PayPal. Yes—you can send a donation by check to: Allen Arnold, P.O. Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


Summer Sabbath


How You See Jesus