Well-Crafted Crud

For decades, Christian movies, novels, and songs have been viewed as subpar to secular offerings. Sometimes the criticism is unjustified, but other times, it’s accurate from a craft perspective.  

To pursue excellence in our creativity, we must put in the time to master the craft. It’s a non-negotiable. 

And yet, while craft is essential, it is never enough. There are countless well-crafted books, songs, movies, online games, and social media apps. Yet if they go against God’s design for our minds and lives, then they are, at best, well-crafted crud (rubbish).

Which means there’s something deeper than craft.

What is it? The act of actively creating with God. That alone must be our foundation.  

Let’s take our cues from the Creator in what and how we create. Then, let’s prove ourselves worthy of this gift by being artisans who gain a fierce mastery of their craft. 

Both are necessary components. But let’s not confuse the order or we’ll end up with well-crafted crud rather than well-crafted creations with an eternal spark.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


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