Creative Curveballs

Those determined to create with God will, by necessity, become good friends with mystery, wonder, risk, and faith.  

That’s because God invites us on a journey where the only guarantee is his presence. If we wait until we have all the answers, we’ll never begin. There is no roadmap for the “not yet.” There is God’s presence. That is what matters most…and it must be enough. If not, any curveball has the potential to take us out. 

Some of the unexpected twists and turns come from God, who is more interested in who we’re becoming than what we’re creating. Other roadblocks will come from the enemy, who hates the intimacy we experience when co-creating with God. During the journey, we learn how to distinguish between these distinct curveballs…and grow closer to God as we do. 

When God invites us into something that seems to grow more challenging along the way, we can either run with him or run from him. But the only way to experience breakthrough is to discard doubt and stay with God as the curveballs come at us.  

The world says that’s impossible but don't believe it. “For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37 NKJV )

Order your copy of The Story of With here.


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