What’s In Your Way?

What’s the main thing standing in the way of your creative goals? It’s important to know and name that hurdle. Yet doing so is never enough.  

Because the goal is breakthrough…not simply awareness. 

If the issues you face seem insurmountable, it’s likely a sign your vision is limited to what’s humanly possible. “Impossible” is a word we use when our view of a problem becomes more real than our view of God. 

Opposition will happen with any kingdom initiative. That doesn’t catch God by surprise. And you shouldn’t be surprised either.  

Whatever your current hurdle, pause and ask God for these three things: 1) his interpretation of it, 2) his peace through it, and 3) his active intervention within it.  

God rarely invites us into what we can do in our own strength. Yes, we will face raging seas. But it is only through him that the waters are parted. It is only with him that we walk on water.  

Choose breakthrough over breakdown by keeping your eyes fixed on him rather than what’s in your way. Because whatever is hindering your creativity, your Creator is greater.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


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