Reclaiming What’s Been Lost
After listening to the wrong voice and believing the wrong story, Adam and Eve feasted from the wrong tree. Through their sin, death entered the world. Because of their choice, they lost four essential things that many of us have never reclaimed.
The Most Real You
We are all works-in-progress. Every day, we're becoming more or less of something.
The Danger of Doubt
The enemy’s goal is for us to doubt God’s goodness. It’s been that way since the beginning of time.
Walter Mitty’s Breakthrough
My all-time favorite movie is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
The Reality of Eden
If the enemy can’t keep us from remembering Eden, he prefers that we not see it as a real place.
Now, Next, Not Yet
When you’re invited to attend a special event, you don’t rush out the door when you open the invitation. Timing is everything.
Origin Amnesia
We love origin scenes in movies. They help us understand how things began and why characters behave the way they do. It gives us empathy . . . and orientation.
The Wise Men’s North Star
January 6 is Epiphany, a Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the magi, or “Wise Men. ”
Steep Your Life in God-Reality
Our world is moving more virtual every day. We spend more time staring at screens than interacting with real people . . .
Bearer of the Work
I recently came across this stunning description from Madeleine L’Engle about the birth of an idea. I’m excited to share it with you.
Jesus in Eden
Have you ever wondered what Jesus was doing in Eden? As part of the Trinity, he was actively involved in creation. The first chapter of John tells us that all things were created in and through Jesus. Which would, of course, include Eden. And Adam and Eve. And, well, everything.
Which Story Are You In?
Today, we’ll look at the distinctions between a Story 1 and Story 2 life.
The Epicenter of Everything
We’re on a journey of what it means to choose a Story 1 life in a Story 2 world.
Forgotten Who We Are
We’re made for Story 1. Yet we were born into Story 2 and have tried to make it our home. It doesn’t work. It never will.
A Tale of Two Stories
I believe it’s possible to choose a Story 1 life in a Story 2 world. That’s what my new book, The Eden Option, is all about.
Accelerating in the Wrong Direction
It isn’t your imagination. The world is accelerating. More, it’s unraveling because it was never meant to be what it’s become. But it isn’t just the world. The unraveling is also happening inside us.
Show Up & Stay Expectant
This week marks the one year anniversary for Daily Thoughts on God and Creativity.
Let Joy Fuel Your Art
Chasing success leads to a never-ending succession of stress and striving.