The Most Real You

We are all works-in-progress. Every day, we're becoming more or less of something. 

That fact isn’t cause for apologies, embarrassment, or excuses. It’s actually hopeful. Because it means growth is possible. It’s also freeing. Because when we accept that, we can release the need to appear more than we are.

Three suggestions for this journey: Start real. Stay real. Pursue real.

First, start where you are, not where you want to be. Anything else is a false start.
Next, stay real as you enter into where God is working within your life. Don’t hide or avoid this stage.

Finally, pursue God through it all. He’s the most real being in a world committed to unreality. 

The truest version of you isn’t based on your feelings, past choices, or current  limitations. It’s based on who God is, who he says you are, and his ability to make all things new…including you.

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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