Show Up & Stay Expectant

This week marks the one year anniversary for Daily Thoughts on God and Creativity.

When I launched this offering, I knew it would be daunting. A new reading every Monday through Friday for 52 weeks comes out to 260 creations a year. By God’s grace, I haven’t missed a day yet…thanks to one simple practice. I’ve learned the power of showing up and staying expectant even when I don’t feel I have anything to say or offer. When I do, God always meets me there with just the right words for that week.  

I hope you’ve experienced the power of receiving the right words at the right time through these readings. If so, I’d love for you to join me in this crowd-funded mission. The readings are free, but they’re made possible by the support of readers like you. I’d be grateful if you could help sustain this effort through a year-end financial gift of any amount. CLICK HERE

As a special incentive, those who give a one-time gift of $200 or more by the end of December will receive a hand-signed copy of my new book, The Eden Option: Choosing a Story 1 Life in a Story 2 World, when it releases this January.  

Thanks for being part of this shared creative journey. It’s better because of your presence!

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


Accelerating in the Wrong Direction


Let Joy Fuel Your Art