Walter Mitty’s Breakthrough

My all-time favorite movie is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.  

The movie premiered on Christmas day, 2013 and I saw it on my birthday a few weeks later.

It’s the story of a man who lives more in his head than reality. He works at Life magazine but has no life. Until he’s caught up in an adventure that exceeds his wildest imagination. He enters into the unknown with an adventure journal from boyhood that his dad had given him. Somehow, he realizes this is an essential component of his journey. The inscription inside reads, “Have Fun, Dad.”

God invites us into the unknown as well. And he’s given us a similar travel journal. The pages are blank because we get to create those adventures together…with God. Not only that. We get to have fun along the way…with God. 

I highly recommend you watch (or re-watch) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Notice the moments that cause your heart to beat faster or your eyes to fill with tears. Walter Mitty’s breakthrough began when he chose to stop dreaming about life so he could start living it.  

The same holds true for each of us. Stop dreaming. Start living. And don’t forget to take your travel journal with you!

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