A Tale of Two Stories

I believe it’s possible to choose a Story 1 life in a Story 2 world. That’s what my new book, The Eden Option, is all about.

But let’s start at the beginning. What is Story 1…and why is it better?

Story 1 the original, true story we were made for. A way of life with God at the epicenter. That’s not the story we find ourselves in.

Story 2 is the default narrative we’re born into and deeply embedded in. It tries to make life work without God’s active, intimate presence. It’s all we’ve ever known, so we’ve made it our home and learned to play by its rules. Worse, we think God does as well. But there’s been a better way since the beginning. Adam and Eve didn’t choose it in Eden. But we can choose it now.

C. S. Lewis said, “If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the [one] who turns back soonest is the most progressive” (The Case for Christianity).

That’s what we’re after. The true Story God has been telling since before time began. If you’d like to read more now, you can access the first section of the book free here!

Want more? Order your copy of The Eden Option today!


Forgotten Who We Are


Accelerating in the Wrong Direction