Origin Amnesia

We love origin scenes in movies. They help us understand how things began and why characters behave the way they do. It gives us empathy…and orientation. 

Yet the recollection of our own origin story is spotty at best. Especially when it comes to Eden. Like a collective shockwave of amnesia, the enemy has muddied our memory of the life and home we were created for. When people do talk about Eden, they jump straight from creation to the fall. Doing so completely misses what we were originally created for…Paradise.

And it keeps us stuck in a life that resembles Ecclesiastes more than Eden. Because we can’t turn our eyes to what we no longer remember. 

Eden is worth remembering. The name Eden means delight or paradise. It was a place of lush abundance. Unspoiled beauty. Peace and tranquility. Unexplored mysteries. There was ample time for everything. And no self-consciousness, anxiety, or loss. Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. They knew him as their Creator and Father.

Though we’re far from Eden today, we can regain this relational intimacy with God.

Want more? Read the first section of The Eden Option for free here. Or order here.


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The Wise Men’s North Star