Which Story Are You In?

Today, we’ll look at the distinctions between a Story 1 and Story 2 life. If you haven’t read this week’s previous posts, you can find them in your in-box…or on my website.

Story 1 is the original story Adam and Eve lost in Eden. In it, we live in intimacy with God as sons and daughters. We awake with childlike expectancy. This relationship leads to rest and restoration. Infinite possibilities and wonder run through the DNA of Story 1. It is filled with God’s presence. Story 1 permeates our thoughts, hopes, and dreams. We’re drawn to movies and songs and art that reflects the themes and perspectives of Story 1—while losing interest in those that embrace Story 2.

Story 2 is what we were born into. Though over time, the Story 2 life feels normal to us, it’s not what we were made for. It’s just what we’re used to. We settle for a world in which God is largely off-stage. We toss and turn with unmet expectations, seeking relief but settling for addictions. Limited possibilities are the norm in Story 2. We accuse God of being distant as we distance ourselves from him.

If you’re not sure which story you’re in, you’re almost certainly in Story 2. Why? Because it’s the default narrative. We’re born into Story 2 but can be reborn into Story 1. But we have to actively choose that. You’d remember if you had.

Which set of traits most describes your current reality? More importantly, which story would you like to be yours?

If you’d like to read more now, you can access the first section of the book free here!

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Jesus in Eden


The Epicenter of Everything