Steep Your Life in God-Reality

Our world is moving more virtual every day. We spend more time staring at screens than interacting with real people . . . or real life. When we move against this trend, we’re told to “get real” and accept the ways of this world. But that’s actually just the opposite of what’s needed.

One of the many benefits of choosing a Story 1 life is the return to what is real. Not what we say or feel is real, but reality as God made it to be. Think of it this way. God has always existed. He created everything that is. Everything we call reality was made by One who is far more real than it is.

So in a world of competing realities, nothing is more real than God. Which means the further we get from God, the shakier our foundation becomes.

And like a beacon, Scripture calls us back to God-reality: Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. (Matthew 6:33–34 MSG)

How did we lose this original God-steeped Story? Where did it go? Or more honestly, where did we go?

It’s called Story 1 because it reflects our origin story in Eden. Let’s revisit paradise and see it with new eyes to better understand what we had, why it was lost, and how to get it back.

Want more?  Read the first section of The Eden Option for free here. Or order here.


The Wise Men’s North Star


Bearer of the Work