Reclaiming What’s Been Lost

After listening to the wrong voice and believing the wrong story, Adam and Eve feasted from the wrong tree. Through their sin, death entered the world. Because of their choice, they lost four essential things that many of us have never reclaimed.  

First, they lost union with God. Doubting God didn’t make them like gods. It caused them to hide from God.

Second, they lost their voice. Adam failed to speak during Eve’s temptation. After the fall, Adam used his voice to blame Eve. She used her voice to blame the serpent. Scripture tells us Adam lived 930 years. We don’t know how long Eve lived. But from that point forward, their story goes silent.  

Third, they lost their vision. The serpent promised their eyes would be opened. And they were. But not in the way they hoped. Scripture says: At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. (Genesis 3:7 NLT)  

Finally, they lost the ability to rest. Their curse included pain, striving, and restlessness.  

Union. Voice. Vision. Rest. We can actually get these four Eden realities back. My new book, The Eden Option, reveals how to begin this Homeward Journey.

Want more? Read the first section of The Eden Option for free here. Or order here.


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