When You’re Stuck Creatively
Creatives often find themselves stuck, not from a lack of ideas but because they keep getting distracted by the next bright, shiny possibility. They aren’t sure where to focus. So they dream big but do little. They dabble in many things yet never slow down to go deep and fully master one thing.
Curiosity About the Creator
In these daily readings, the focus is on God, story, and creativity.
Make Chaos Tremble
From the beginning, the enemy has tried to use chaos against the Creator and creation. Today, he also opposes us and our creativity. I’m convinced chaos is fueled by the enemy’s intense hatred for all who are trying to bring life and light into the world.
Become Intentional
You. Are. Creative.
What is your first reaction to those three words? Is it something like, “Creative? I’m not creative.” Or, “You’ve got to be kidding. My creativity isn’t valuable or worth fighting for. No one even notices it.”
An Inspiring, Terrifying Project
Imagine being given a creative project that would honor God, had an unlimited budget, that would inspire others in the moment, and that people would still be talking about centuries later.
Mission Impossible…Made Possible
In the book of Exodus, we’re given a glimpse into how God infuses people with creativity.
Have you ever heard of Bezalel? His name isn’t likely to make the short list of best baby names. But perhaps it should. The name means “in the protection or shadow of God.” Moses wrote that God called Bezalel, who was of the tribe of Judah, by name and then filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and in all craftsmanship.
Creating as a New Creation
Now that we know what chaos is made of, let’s see what we’re made of.
Last Day Artisans
In what Scripture calls “the last days” (which feels a lot like these days), God says: I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17 NIV)
In Over Your Head
God wants to show us how to overcome chaos. And he does so in ways that are never quite the same as the time before.
Filling the Empty Chaos
God opposes chaos. Not some of the time. But every time it tries to strike.
The void continuously tries to overcome us. But in every clash, God overcomes
How to Finish a Project
On the seventh day, God rested. But what does that mean? He wasn’t exhausted. God didn’t work up a sweat. He could have created every day for millions of years and never repeated himself. Every day another new creation. .
Pray This for a Fresh Start
Listen to this powerful request the psalmist makes to God:
God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. (Psalm 51:10 MSG)
Become More Intentional
Some approach the creative process like a painter splashing buckets of paint on a canvas and hoping for beauty. That’s not purposeful creativity. It’s random chao
The Problem with Gatekeepers
Humans aren’t the creators of creativity. Nor is creativity a rare gift limited to an elite class of artists.
But it sure can feel like it.
Why Your Creativity Is Opposed
Your dreams and creativity are opposed. Have you ever wondered why…or do you just blame yourself for some form of lack when it comes to your age, stage, degree, free time, or connections?
What’s Next, Papa?
Here’s how God describes his relationship to us: I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters. (2 Corinthians 6:18)
Leaders Who Aren’t For Sale
I grew up believing those in top leadership roles got there through their proven courage, wisdom, humility, and integrity. If only that were true.
Reproducing Chaos Isn’t Art
Chaos talks a good game. But where creation is proactive, chaos is always reactive.
Growing Chaos, Greater Creativity
How should we view our creativity in times of growing chaos? When the world is unraveling, does it even make sense to spend time on our art…or would it be better to set it aside until things calm down? Of all the things we could be doing at this moment, is our creativity relevant?