The Inevitable…Isn’t
We look at the world and see the wrong ideas and voices gaining momentum while the people and desires of God are mocked and silenced. The trajectory seems unstoppable and inevitable, so we begin to lose hope.
Will A.I. Replace Your Creativity?
There’s a growing concern among many that generative A.I. will soon be able to duplicate, if not exceed, their creativity. Is that possible? And if so, what happens then?
Hackproof Your Mind
I want to share with you this stunning statement from Yuval Noah Harai of the World Economic Forum. His mix of arrogance (regarding using technology to control others) and ignorance (of the reality and supremacy of God) is hard to fathom.
/ / with God
On a recent flight, the woman next to me asked about the book I was reading. We spent the rest of the flight talking about God and creativity.
Your Lost Eden Life (New Video!)
How do we interpret the story we find ourselves in at this moment in time? The world is unraveling and growing more artificial by the second…and yet most believers carry on like all is well.
Defeat the Pull to Repeat
God-given creativity doesn’t rely on past formulas or man-made rules.
Wide-Eyed Creativity
Creativity is best viewed not as what you’re good at…but as a journey you take with God into the activities and things that make your heart come alive.
What We Can’t See
In this increasingly virtual, artificial world, we need a way to see clearly what’s really going on.
Things Are Getting Weird
Elon Musk recently summed up the capabilities and impact of this new breed of artificial intelligence this way: “Things are getting weird—and they’re getting weird fast.”
Giant Reality Collapse
Our world is moving more virtual every day. Most spend more time staring at screens than interacting with real people . . . or real life. Many reading this will even challenge what real means anymore. That’s how comfortable we’ve come to be with the artificial.
How to Stay Creative
Each week, I write the five daily readings for the next week. And every time, before I begin, I get hit with a wave of dread that I have nothing to say, that no one will read it, and that I should just punt for the week. Recycle past readings and call it good.
Customers or Kindred Spirits?
Creative people love to create. But most don’t particularly like marketing what they’ve created.
What You Can’t Not Create
The question is never what can you create. You can make a lot of things. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
The far better question is: What can you not not create?
Clarity In Your Anointing
It’s fine to have a lot of hobbies and casual interests—but you don’t want to spend your life forever dabbling in many areas without fully mastering any.
Before The Harvest
We live in an instant, entitled culture. Everyone wants fame and success…and they want it now. Yet few want to put in the time and energy necessary to facilitate that outcome.
God Will Lift You Up
In a culture of rights and offense, it’s easy to forget that God doesn’t value the self-made person. He values humility.
Passionate Isn’t Preachy
When speaking with folks about how to pursue their creativity with God, they’ll often note, “I don’t want to be preachy.”
In a Hurry? Come Back Later.
I had to pause at the sign in front of a Mexican restaurant I recently visited. It said:
In a Hurry? Please Try Us When You’re Not.