Defeat the Pull to Repeat

God-given creativity doesn’t rely on past formulas or man-made rules.  

Yet there’s something in us that wants consistent, guaranteed results. And if there’s a proven shortcut that promises to get us there even faster, all the better. 

Except that’s not how God designed the process to work. He invites us to pursue what we love with him. And offers no formula or upfront guarantees other than his presence. 

When we give into formula, we try to set the wildness of the creative process in stone. What was once undiscovered country becomes a paved, predictable route. Risk is replaced with rules and repetition. When that happens, the artist goes on auto-pilot. Passion gives way to predictability. And the heart grows numb. The result is predictable sameness. 

To create rather than repeat, we must trade the way it’s always been done for what’s never been done.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


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