The Inevitable…Isn’t

We look at the world and see the wrong ideas and voices gaining momentum while the people and desires of God are mocked and silenced. The trajectory seems unstoppable and inevitable, so we begin to lose hope. 

Eventually, most accept the growing momentum as just the way things are.  

The logic goes something like this. Well, change is a part of every generation. And when it comes to _____________ (fill in the blank), the genie is already out of the bottle. We’ll never go back so we just need to accept it. If we don’t, we’re in denial and will become irrelevant. Plus, we lose our place at the table for any further discussion on the issue. 

But why are we so quick to agree that what the world says is inevitable must be the new normal? Especially when its roots are more in the Tree of Knowledge than the Tree of Life? 

The only things truly inevitable are the plans of God. Everything else reflects the plans of humans. Shaky at best. And disastrous when it doesn’t involve God. Whenever you feel tempted to believe otherwise, remember this Scripture: 

You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. (Proverbs 19:21 NLT)

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