Now is the Time
If you’re wondering when to start that project you feel born to create, consider this.
Experts Agree
So many headlines and social media stories begin with: "Experts agree that ..."
Rarely do they say who the experts are or how they reached that conclusion. Just that they are the experts and you aren't. So don’t ask questions. Just go with it.
Pressure to Prove Yourself
In the choices you face, remember this: You don't need to prove yourself to others.
Your Art’s Relational Cycle
The life you have with God while creating will determines the life of your art.
That's because true art is first relational. Not between you and a canvas, but between you and God.
He’s First Your Father
God is primarily a good Father who teaches his sons and daughters—not a teacher who occasionally fathers his students.
When we get that mixed up, it muddies your view of God…and yourself.
What Makes You Come Alive?
Once our art is available, we long for others to discover it. But there's an earlier, more essential discovery stage. One that’s far more personal.
The Missing Spark
We all long for our lives and our art to make an eternal impact. Yet often our best efforts burn bright for a moment only to burn out.
Be God’s Fool
Be God’s fool.
The phrase immediately causes us to step back and look for any other option. None of us want to be seen as foolish.
Deadline or Lifeline?
Hitting a deadline with your art isn’t the same as offering a lifeline through your art.
Art Attack
Does your art feel under attack? If that seems over the top, I’ll rephrase the question. Has your current project taken you longer and cost you more than you anticipated?
Is Your Creativity Compromised?
The art of creating well begins with the art of living well.
It Will Be Okay
There’s a saying I’ve posted in my office with this simple encouragement:
Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
Four Outcomes to Release
If God stirs a desire in you to pursue something together with him, he will see it through and you will step into that destiny...
Initiation Before Invitation
I love new opportunities. But I often forget that before I can step into the new, I must become new.
By that, I mean I must first go through a time of testing or refining with God. Until that happens, I won’t be ready for the upgrade in responsibility that awaits. If I try to bypass that process, then I stay as I am and miss the very path that would lead me to what’s next.
Then What?
I’ve become good friends with the two words: “Then what?”
They remind me that there’s more at stake than what feels good in the moment.