Wildly Inefficient
The path to a beautiful creative act is often wildly inefficient and messy.
Lack of Vision
When I get stuck on a project, rarely is it due to a lack of creativity.
The problem tends to be a lack of vision. And the less I see clearly, the more tightly I cling to the status quo. Yet the solution is often right in front of me if I would just open my eyes…and my hands.
Choose to Lose
Each season brings with it some loss, much of it beyond your control and deeply painful.
Stop Apologizing
You need to quit feeling guilty or apologizing for your need of regular creative time.
The creative longing isn’t a defect or something you need to get over. It’s how the Creator made you. Your deepest desires, the very things that make your heart come alive, actually serve as a source code that draws you to God…so you can pursue them together.
Mornings Are For Coffee & Contemplation
My favorite character in the fantastical Netflix series Stranger Things is Jim Hopper, the chief of police in Hawkins, Indiana.
Doing Things For God
We can know a lot about God and still miss pursuing our talents and dreams with him.
Take the Pressure Off
When you first discovered what you love doing, it was from a place of deep joy.
Well, That Didn’t Take Long
We’re not even halfway through the first month of 2023. And already, our resolutions are beginning to show signs of failure.
When We Worship Our Art
Isaiah tells a fascinating story of how a divided heart can taint our gifting.
The tale begins simply enough. A woodsman plants various trees in the forest, nurtures them, and, at the right time, chops one down for the raw material.
You Have Time
When we feel behind in our dreams it's because we’re measuring time on our clock rather than God's timetable.
Three Ways to Get Unstuck
At times we all get stuck. Which is a real problem for creatives. Because our art can’t take others somewhere new as long as we’re stuck in the status quo.
The Drawer
Imagine creating something with God that is beyond your wildest dreams. You can’t wait to show others. To launch it. To watch it accelerate as the world discovers it.
Create More. Re-Create Less.
It feels good when the world applauds a new idea or invention.
How to Be New This Year
At the beginning of every year, this phrase promises the impossible: New Year. New You.
Making a Living From Your Gifting
There often exists a tension between knowing your gifting and finding a way to make a living from it.
When You’re At a Loss
When you’re at a loss of how to respond to this chaotic world, here’s a suggestion: create something beautiful.