Art Attack

Does your art feel under attack? If that seems over the top, I’ll rephrase the question. Has your current project taken you longer and cost you more than you anticipated? 

Your creativity feels opposed...because it is. At least it is if you’re creating with God. 

The enemy has opposed the Creator and creation since before time began.  

Because of his toxic choice to wage war against God, the enemy lost everything…including his creativity. 

Yes, he is still conniving. But he’s no longer creative. At least not in the sense of having access to creativity that flows from God. How could anyone’s creativity not suffer a catastrophic loss when it is untethered from the Creator? He hates anything that reminds him of that... including your ability to co-create with God.  

Now, his only playground is chaos. His works are filled with lies. 

Your playground with God is creation. Your works are full of life. 

Yes, kingdom projects will be opposed. Even so, stay with it, knowing what you co-create with God is changing the atmosphere for good.

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t today!


Deadline or Lifeline?


Is Your Creativity Compromised?