Good Can’t Save the Day
We love epic tales of good versus evil, whether we’re reading, watching or writing them.
It’s essential to remember, however, that “good” alone isn’t enough to ultimately save the day, the world, or us.
The Story of Your Creativity
Creativity is not just something you do. Your art reveals your deepest longings. It tells a story that transcends any one interaction, canvas, or creation. It tells a story about you.
Stay a Student
We long for our art to take others to new and uncharted places. But the blank canvas looks back at us and says, “No, you must go there first.”
Release Control
How would things change if you saw each day as a road trip with God? A Father/Daughter or Father/Son journey into the unknown together?
Ask God About Your Day
Before I get out of bed each morning, I try to spend a few minutes with God. I take a moment to invite his presence and ask, “Father, what do you have for us today?”
Escape Unreality
Most stories offer a way to unplug or escape from reality. The better stories rip a seam in the atmosphere, make the unseen visible, and usher us into a deeper reality.
Roots of Everything
We want a world of endless options that satisfies our every desire. What we miss is that the roots of everything ultimately derive from just one of two trees—the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Mid-Week Creativity Boost
If you could use a little encouragement here in the middle of the week, you’ll love what I have for you today.
Right Words, Right Moment
There’s nothing like receiving the right words at just the right moment. Daily, I hear from readers about the perfect timing of these readings on God, story, and creativity.
Lost in Creation
When Adam and Eve chose the Tree of Good and Evil over the Tree of Life, so much was lost in creation. They placed more trust in a created tree and created beings—the serpent, their own intelligence, and each other—than the Creator of everything.
Just One More Thing…
Infomercials regularly pitch their cure-all offers as “risk-free.” It sounds enticing but nothing in this life is risk-free. The only question is what are we willing to risk…and why?
What’s Your North Star?
We all have a North Star. You may not call it that, but it’s what keeps you on course toward what matters most to you.
The Explorer’s Edge On Experts
When it comes to your creativity, the best journey you can invite others into is the one you're currently on.
My (Almost) Last Night on Earth
It happened at midnight on Halloween more than four decades ago. I was fifteen, attending a party at the home of a high school senior whose parents were away. The story goes downhill from there. It almost led to my last night on earth.
Halloween Isn’t Neutral
Last week, a friend remarked that Halloween is her favorite day of the year. Every September, she fills the outside and inside of her home with skeletons, zombies, and ghosts. She hosts an annual party where she always dresses as a witch. And…she’s a Christian.
Desert Submarine
Your desert is made up of the things that derail or defeat you. It is in this stripped away place that our identity either disintegrates or is forged anew.