Lost in Creation

When Adam and Eve chose the Tree of Good and Evil over the Tree of Life, so much was lost in creation. They placed more trust in a created tree and created beings—the serpent, their own intelligence, and each other—than the Creator of everything.  

And we continue to do the same.  

We place more trust in other people’s advice, especially so-called experts, than we do in God.  

We trust formula, knowledge, and metrics more than the ways and wisdom of our Father. 

We assume we’ll hear faster and more accurately from A.I. than from God.  

We were created to walk with God in the cool of the garden. He made us for intimacy and relationship. To co-create together. When Adam and Eve rejected him as the center of their lives, that creative fellowship was fractured. 

What part of your creativity would you like to reclaim? Perhaps greater expectancy for what God is up to? Or releasing the illusion of your control over outcomes? Maybe inviting him more fully into every aspect of the creative process? 

It begins by trusting God’s heart over the enemy’s lies. But it also requires us to crave God’s presence and wisdom over our opinion, what’s worked in the past, social media pressure, industry advice, artificial intelligence, and human applause. As long as we give our allegiance to anyone or anything other than God, we remain lost in creation.


Right Words, Right Moment


Just One More Thing…