Ask God About Your Day

Before I get out of bed each morning, I try to spend a few minutes with God. I take a moment to invite his presence and ask, “Father, what do you have for us today?”  

Sometimes he’ll offer advance words. Other times, he brings a person to mind. Or conveys a frame of mind I’ll need for what awaits. I release my expectations and ask him to set the rhythm for the day and my heart. 

I do all of that before my feet hit the floor or I reach for my phone. Because I want to begin with God. 

As I go through the day, I stay expectant for what he’s up to. Realizing it’s not all up to me. 

That night, as my head hits the pillow, I ask God for his interpretation of the day. What I’m after here isn’t my reiteration or justification of things—but his perspective. Where I think I blew it, he may convey that I’m growing. Where I see loss, he might reveal a deeper theme or story.  

Try starting and ending your days this way for a week. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

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