Raise a Glass

As a culture, we’ve forgotten how to celebrate micro victories. 

In one sense, we’re expected to constantly celebrate every meaningless occurrence until nothing feels weighty or significant. Everyone gets a participation award. Every day of the year is the national day of something, whether pizza, craft beer, or happy thoughts. It’s all quite forgettable. So we downgrade our efforts to a quick text with a happy face emoji and digital balloons.  

But it’s essential we find time to recognize key moments for those we love. Like before a child heads back to college, the completion of a manuscript, or an unseen sacrifice or victory that you see. 

The beauty of micro celebrations is they can happen anytime or anywhere. Gather everyone around the table at home or a restaurant. Be fully present. Raise a glass. Make a toast. Take a photo. Offer a few heartfelt words to convey “I see you. This matters.”  

Don’t overcomplicate it. Simply take a moment to mark the moment.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


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